As an organisation, and as individuals, Mills Textiles are committed to progressive ethical, environmental and equal opportunities policies in all areas of our work and working practices.
A member of the Mills Textiles team is responsible as Ethical & Environmental Officer to the Managing Director for oversight of the ethical, environmental and equal opportunities aspects of our projects, programmes of work and office management. This individual, with the cooperation of all staff members, ensures that the following policies are adhered to and implemented in a practical manner.
Ethical Policy
Mills Textiles is committed to an ethical approach to all its projects, programmes of work and operating procedures. We are working towards ensuring we do not make use of external suppliers or services which invest in, or have any links to, unethical industries, such as the arms trade, and preference is given, where possible, to fair-trade and other ethically sound products. Mills Textiles strives to reflect its ethical values in the manner in which we work.
We apply our principles of dialogue and cooperative resolution in all our dealings, both amongst ourselves and with others with whom we work. All decisions and processes are undertaken in an open, objective and honest manner, and strict attention is paid to the adequate work life balance and fair remuneration of all employees. Our strategic direction is governed & implemented by the Managing Director.
Environmental Policy
Climate change and environmental stresses are one of the root causes of global insecurity. Mills Textiles recognises that its activities have an impact on the environment and as such is committed to working in an environmentally responsible manner. Mills Textiles have developed efficient recycling procedures and uses recycled and recyclable materials wherever appropriate and possible.
A purchasing policy is promoted that gives preference, where practicable, to products and services that cause the least harm to the environment. Mills Textiles are working towards reducing the environmental impact of its office and limiting the use of materials and consumables, including energy.
The organisation also encourages, and is working towards, the use of environmentally responsible means of transport by its staff and is examining other ways of reducing its impact on the environment.
We divide our materials into activities such as raw material manufacturing, conversion, packing/filling and selling. These are then further sub-divided into plastics, paper etc…
Mills Textiles pays an additional supplier to recycle our cardboard (carton boxes etc…).
Our Asia based operations are charged with holding the environment in equal esteem. Very little waste fabric is sent away for disposal, most is recycled/converted into rags. Waste plastic and cardboard is returned to the raw material manufacturers for recycling. Wastewater is filtered and cleaned by local government; for which a contribution is paid.
Mills Textiles view environmental issues with the utmost of importance. We encourage and entertain an open forum of accountability and communication, and we are committed to the protection and enhancement of the environment, and to continually improving our environmental performance in carrying out activities and services. Furthermore, we take all reasonable practicable steps to meet these responsibilities including, the disposal of waste material, the safe disposal of hazardous waste and wherever possible reducing wastage of material on site.
Supplementary information:
Mills Textiles use a rigid documented system of product quality control.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Mills Textiles are an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, age or any other illegal or unfair basis. Mills Textiles, its staff and management, are committed to removing any barriers to equal opportunities in its recruitment and employment practices, and will not abide discrimination, victimisation or harassment in any form. All members of Mills Textiles are obliged and encouraged to respect and act in accordance with this policy. Any complaint against any individual or the group will be addressed by the senior management, including the Managing Director, of the organization, and if necessary, referred to Managing Director for investigation.
Financial Policy
Mills Textiles are required to conduct all transactions with fairness and honesty. Promises and commitments will not be given which any group does not have the intention to fulfil, or for which it does not have the resources to meet. All transactions and financial reporting shall be carried out with due observance of relevant laws and regulations.
Commitment to Employees
Mills Textiles shall put into place and periodically review policies on Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities and ‘Whistle blowing’. In all other matters, we shall establish and review employee policies applicable to their business in accordance with the principles of this policy.
We aim to develop our people’s abilities and skills such that they leave us better qualified in life than they might otherwise be.
Community Relations
Mills Textiles aim to work with and support the local communities in which they operate in so far as they impact on the local natural and social environment.
Waste Minimization and Procurement
Mills Textiles seeks to reduce waste through efficient use of resources and effective management systems. It aims to procure goods and services through suppliers and contractors whose environmental practices correspond with its own.
These policies are both general statements of intent and guidelines for the practical implementation of ethically sound, environmentally responsible and fair working practices. Mills Textiles are working towards identifying areas of potential improvement and will continuously monitor and develop its policies and practices.